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​Nadar es pensar!

Ajudamos-te a pensar de modo a poderes controlar a tua reação na água.

We'll help you to think, so you can control your reaction in water.

Encorajamos-te na resolução do problema como um todo-Estar na água, respiração, flutuação, mover-te eficientemente- da melhor maneira possível... melhor do que a reação instintiva de lutar com a áhua sem acreditar que que ela te pode suportar que é a forma como amaioria das pessoas nadam.

 We'll encourage you to approach the whole problem - of being in the water, breathing, floating, moving more efficiently - in a better way... better than instinctively struggling through the water without really trusting it to support you, which is how most people swim.

O progresso connosoco não é alcançado simplesmente por ir mais rápido ou mais longe, mas prevenir de aprender de forma errada e incrementar o enjoyment do processo, ambos aprendendo e movendo-se pela água.

Progress with us isn't about going faster or further but prevention, from going wrong, and increased enjoyment of the process, both of learning and of moving through the water.

…and hands on teaching method… 

Utilizamos  as mãos para o guiar y direccionar pelos movimentos

We’ll be in the water with you using our hands to guide and direct you through movements.

…using the Alexander Technique… 

The Alexander Technique helps you think about what you're doing and how you're doing it; it gives you awareness of what you're doing unconsciously to get in your own way.  

Physically, it helps you relax, reduce tension, move more easily and find your flow. Mentally, it gives you clarity, stops you trying too hard and brings you into the present moment.  

Key ideas in the Alexander Technique are non-doing and promotion of a natural head neck and back relationship, for balance and direction. So it lends itself very well to swimming.

…in a one to one lesson…

Reconhecemos o caracter unico de cada individuo e também sabemos que ambos os não nadadores e os nadadores tendem a preferir classes 1:1, Há problemas que atingem de forma generalizada toda a população na relação com a água, mas cada um de nós tem diferentes graus de medos, niveis de coordenação e ritmo de aprendizagem.

We recognise the uniqueness of individuals and know that both non swimmers and swimmers tend to prefer 1:1 lessons. There are universal problems and difficulties for human beings in water but we all have different degrees of fear, different levels of coordination, and our own learning pace.

…with video feedback.

Parece diferente ,mas como é na realidade? Usaremos cameras para mostrar que o está a acontecer (nem sempre o que pensas que está a contecer!)Ajudarte-á a apreciar o progresso que está a realizar.

It feels different but what does it look like? We’ll use the camera to show you what you’re actually doing (not always what you think you’re doing!) It’ll help you appreciate the progress you’re making.

Como ayudarte?

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